Nervous System
Our bodies communication network, controlling how we think and feel
Our Nervous system, our bodies communication network, is split into two parts, our Central Nervous system which is the Brain and Spinal Cord and the Peripheral Nervous System, which is our neural network. The Autonomic nervous system is component of the Peripheral nervous system that regulates involuntary processes including our heart rate, blood pressure, breathing and digestion. The Autonomic Nervous System consists of three distinct branches:
Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS), Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) and Enteric Nervous System (ENS)
How stress impacts the Nervous System
When the body is under physical, physiological or mental stress it will automatically trigger the flight/fight response and switch into it’s sympathetic nervous system state. In this state the nervous system is heightened and characterised by an increase in blood pressure, heart rate and respiration and a decrease in gastrointestinal function.
In todays modern world we can end up being in a constant state of fight or flight. We can be easily stressed by our external environment think traffic, pollution, clutter around the house that we haven’t had time to clean up. Media is so readily available that there is a constant feed of news, most of which won’t be relevant to you, but will seem important due to the sensationalised headlines used by the media to generate clicks. It would be hard to live Metropolitan city and not feel effect that it has on the nervous system.
Nervous System Support
Here at Wildflower Therapies we use a combination of Naturopathy and Reiki to help you heal and soothe your nervous system. Our goal is to get you to a place where you are feeling centred and in control of your stress response, by focusing on the things that you can control and your exposure and reaction to the things you can’t control. Herbal medicine works really well in this space, offering gentle support and nourishment to the body making you more resilient and getting you back into balance.